The mass is about to begin in 20 minutes.
I don't know if this oblivion is due to my disease or mayhem, my senses have gotten numb through all the years of despair.
I've lived a life full of regrets, not knowing if i really lived a life or just wasted everything God had given me.
But of all the mistakes I've made, it was loving him that made my life worth it while it lasted
I knew, opting to seclude myself from bliss when it's flying in front of me was a stupid move.
But I never stopped loving him, not even a single second did I forget that I've loved in a way no one ever did...
I decided to stop these train of thoughts as I remembered where I am.
The clock is ticking and I decided to stand for a moment to look at the person in the coffin near the glorious altar.
Looking down on the peaceful face through the glass, my memories are stung with a beautiful song.
I know this face I'm looking at now.
I just couldn't remember where I have seen him.
But I know, for sure, somewhere in my past I knew him for such a long time. I guess, I've known this face all my life.

Here's the story of how great a love can be.

Being a 14 year old girl does not really make you a normal human being, nor human at least. For one thing, you get to experience all these gross outbreaks in every part of your body and trust me you really can't get away with all of it. At least once a week I check my body if I've become a grizzly bear after all, with all these hair and stuff in my body.

Apart from all these superficial changes that I guess everybody's aware of, it is at this point in time that the major change in my life took place...




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